Monday, April 16, 2007

Sex-Ed: Abstinance only?

Sex-education clash churns over grants -

Abstinence only doesn't make sense to me. Marriage is a religious ceremony. In our country there is a law separating church and state. Some ones religious morals should not dictate what children are taught or not taught in public school. So why is it that children are taught to abstain from sex until a religious ceremony can take place?

Parents have the option to take their children out of class for sex-ed days, if they feel they can teach their child better they should. In school I was taught about abstinence and about contraception. Just like I was taught about Christianity and Buddhism and Atheism. Education is meant to be well rounded. Things should not be left out because someone judges them as unfit for themselves or their own children.

Education is not well rounded if things (like contraception) are left out. If things that are deemed morally just are the only things taught in school, who's 'moral yardstick' do we use?

1 comment:

  1. You should not have sex until you are married. Abstinence shouldn't be an old fashioned notion. Morals shouldn't be an old fashioned notion. We have to teach our 4th graders about contraception because as a society, we have thrown our morals out the window.
