Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why is there a debate over health care?

Why is health care reform even debatable? Why are people afraid of a "government-takeover"? We are the government. We, the people- are the government. There is no take-over either. This is a take-back. Our lives and our health have become nothing more than dollar signs in the eyes of insurance companies. We need to band together; the poor, the rich, and the middle class; and take the responsibility for our health back into our hands!

Think about firefighters with me for a minute. Americans all agree that we need a government run department to make sure buildings don't burn down. But what about us? Do we as a nation really value our buildings more than we value our lives?

I sincerely believe that you and I can make health care work better than an uncaring, inhuman, soulless, money driven corporation. This is a call to take back health care. We the people need to stand up and take responsibility for each other and for our health. It's time to end the reign of terror unleashed upon us by the insurance companies.

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  1. Nice, short and precise argument. At least one of the more intelligent ones. For some reason, this debate is not about health, but freedom. I always thought good health provided you with the freedom you need to function in a society... :P

  2. Thanks Tore, I'm glad you liked it.Its time for the people to take-back the responsibility for our health.
