I'm sure that everybody has heard about this particular incident of police overreacting. Andrew Myer is a student at the University of Florida who was manhandled and arrested for asking senator John Kerry three questions that event organizers didn't like. He asked about Kerry conceding the election, about impeaching president Bush, and about the fraternity, Skull and Bones, that Senator Kerry is a member of.
They cut Meyer's mic and as he was returning to his seat and Kerry began to answer the questions 5 police officers attacked him. The grabbed him and dragged him off in cuffs. When Myer asked why he was being arrested he was tasered. Yes he was in cuffs and on the ground when they put thousands of volts through his body. Watch the videos and you'll see Meyer lying face down on the ground in cuffs while the female officer shouts "do it, do it now!" Meyer's line just before being shocked will forever go down in internet history, "Don't tase me, bro."
Obviously I think the incident was mishandled but what most the blogs and news reports i've read incorrectly report is that meyers webpage is www.andrewmeyer.com. I don't know how everybody has missed it, but the real website is http://www.theandrewmeyer.com/
The latest from that site is:
They cut Meyer's mic and as he was returning to his seat and Kerry began to answer the questions 5 police officers attacked him. The grabbed him and dragged him off in cuffs. When Myer asked why he was being arrested he was tasered. Yes he was in cuffs and on the ground when they put thousands of volts through his body. Watch the videos and you'll see Meyer lying face down on the ground in cuffs while the female officer shouts "do it, do it now!" Meyer's line just before being shocked will forever go down in internet history, "Don't tase me, bro."
Obviously I think the incident was mishandled but what most the blogs and news reports i've read incorrectly report is that meyers webpage is www.andrewmeyer.com. I don't know how everybody has missed it, but the real website is http://www.theandrewmeyer.com/
The latest from that site is:
Andrew Meyer is currently incarcerated in Alachua County. While asking U.S. Senator John Kerry a question during a question and answer period following Kerry's speech at the University of Florida, Meyer was attacked by five police officers, manhandled and tasered. Fortunately there are videos and many witnesses to this injustice. Some articles and videos are linked below. Please show your support by educating yourselves and raising awareness by letting others know what has happened.